Your Grudge is Ruining You

“Not forgiving someone is like drinking poison expecting the other person to die” -unknown

People can be sh*tty. We all know that! Anyone who has been in public understands this. Anyone who has been involved in a relationship, ever, can agree. Your upset at your mother in law, because she made a remark about the cleanliness of your home, your sister commented about your midsection size in that dress, and your childhood best friend for stealing the love of your life. All these reasons are justified. However, it’s causing severe distress in your life.

Negativity directly affects universal energy

It’s dangerous to walk around with hate, grudges, and negative energy in your heart. When you walk in a room all that trash walks in with you. Some of us energy sensitive folks can smell you from a mile away! Each person you encounter is imprinted with that smudge from your ex-boyfriend. This smudge gives those people permission to pass on their negative energy. Ever stepped into the Department of Motor Vehicles on a busy Monday? YIKES! Share light not shadow!

Besides we all know the universal law that what you think about becomes. Like attracts like. You attract what you think about. I know what you’re saying, “If this is true. How come I haven’t won the lottery?” My response would be, “How many times have you thought about winning the lottery compared to if you will have enough money for your electric bill or how bad you need a new coffee pot or what an asshole your boss is? This is a post for another day, but to finish the thought how much action or energy to invest in the thought? The second part of believing is doing!

rd-sunbeam fave


You are poisoning yourself, not them

“Not forgiving someone is like drinking poison expecting the other person to die,” -unknown

You make yourself sick over thoughts about this person. You are drinking poison over and over. Each minute spent before bed plotting your revenge or imagining a scenario where you can tell them off the way you originally should have is compromising your health! That person can’t feel the anger you have for them. Only you can. Boiling toxic energy and rage inside to damage someone else is insane!

Set yourself free

We already know your internal pain is not hurting your nemesis. Break the obsession and grant yourself the freedom you deserve from it. Do not engage in the negative activity. Consider it universally handled. A non-reaction does not mean you chose to do nothing. It means you decided to reject the poison the contender has provided and remain in the positive state you naturally are. The best revenge is accompanied by kindness. The day you walk into work and are not bothered by your coworkers attempt to one up your efforts is the day you become Batman! Do not be a victim to circumstance. Don’t be someone whose mood swirls like the wind according to how everyone else woke up this morning. Control what you put in your heart and your whole life will change drastically! The vampires will not be interested in pushing your buttons, anymore. The Universe will award your efforts. Everyone will notice your powerful positive energy is untouchable and you will live happily ever after just crushing it at life!


I get nowhere being big and scary. I have no power in force and punishment. I get no reward for time spent on a grudge. I am the only sufferer. It’s a weird vendetta between me and the hologram of my enemy. My target may hear 5 percent of how I feel but I hear it ALL. I take all that poison. They are unaware I wake up at 3 a.m. hating them. I do. My poison. They don’t know that tv show reminds me of them. I do. My poison.

monkey scream

Freeing them will free you. You bless the whole situation by freeing them/yourself.
The barista at the Starbucks. I free her. My best friend’s father who never trusted me, I free him. No matter how stupid it sounds! Free the police officer that pulled you over even though others were going faster. Officer prick is free. Free your husband for not noticing your new hair cut…and not taking out the trash…and leaving the milk out…you get the idea.

bird escape

Free the people who have upset you, so you can be free! Your freedom is more valuable than keeping them prisoner. Do it for yourself. Take the opportunity to eliminate the baggage. There is no extra time to waste on sh*tty people. Besides, you have wonderful ideas to think up, traveling plans to make, and light to shine on this world! Focus on that!

Written By: Sarah Huffer